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S90-01A Real Exam Prep DEMO

Question 8: An IT enterprise proceeds with an SOA initiative that is based on the creation of a single
enterprise service inventory. However, conflicts arise when different IT departments disagree on who
will own the services and how they will be governed. Which of the following alternative approaches
could be chosen to address these conflicts?
A. The top-down approach is chosen. This allows services to be modeled subsequent to their design,
thereby enabling each service to be governed by multiple owners.
B. It is decided to proceed with the creation of multiple domain service inventories. This allows
collections of services to be independently governed by different owners, while still enabling the IT
enterprise as a whole to transition toward SOA.
C. The established "contract last" approach is chosen, allowing different IT managers to focus on
contract-related governance issues after the services are deployed and in use.
D. Because SOA projects absolutely require enterprise-wide standardization and further demand the
creation of an enterprise service inventory, the IT managers have no choice than to cancel the
Correct Answer: B
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   
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