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Question 6: A stock trading company is writing a new application for stock market forecasting. A significant portion of
the work required by the business logic involves navigating through the persistent object model. As lead
architect on this project, you have chosen JPA over EJB2 entity beans to implement these persistent
objects. You have done this to maximize performance when navigating through the model. Why does JPA
offer better performance for this task.?
A. JPA guarantees referential integrity at the object level.
B. JPA allows the application to specify lazy or eager retrievals.
C. JPA simplifies the source code that implements the object model.
D. The guaranteed referential integrity in EJB2 entity beans is expensive.
Correct Answer: B
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   
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